fallen/legen blog

Restgeräusch Sessions: Sometree

von Mario Wimmer

I just realized we actually never wrote about rote raupe‘s Restgeräuschsessions on this blog. That’s a shame, kind of, because the approach of this series of videos combining interviews and jam sessions to give people a short but intimate picture of rather well known german bands works really nice. This time it’s Sometree playing Conundrum, A Years Mind and Moduin after talking about their tour, the arrangement of their songs and how they changed their position by staying were they were while the bands that once formed some sort of cosmos around them drifted away or just vanished. Before them Klez.e, I Might Be Wrong, Me Succeeds, Missent To Denmark, Mediengruppe Telekommander, Slut & Juli Zeh and Robocop Kraus already payed a visit.

So there’s plenty of stuff to watch, go check it out.

Ein Kommentar.

  1. Florian Naumann Am 16. December 2009 um 23:51 Uhr.

    Unterschreib ich. Besondere Empfehlung I Might Be Wrong… super Aufnahmen. Auch wenn die Interviews nicht immer ganz so überzeugen.
    (Naja, und inwieweit Sometree noch die alten sind… – aber das möge der Hörer/Zuseher entscheiden. ;))